Friday, October 28, 2016

Favorite movie poster

I really like this movie poster, because it takes a classic movie (JAWS) and takes a modern movie and mix them together. Due to the fact the Pacific Rim's villians come from the ocean. And JAWS was about sharks, the creator Matt Ferguson made a classic poster from a classic movie mixed with modern movie.

Movie Poster: The Movie, the movie poster

Thursday, October 27, 2016


Movie poster the movie is about a man and his vision. In a world with no movie posters just trailer. A man relies that he hates when the trailer spoils a movie for him. He wants there  to be a way to see what the movie is generally about with out getting the whole movie spoiled. So he uses his wicked Photoshop skills to make a poster for a movie. People told him it wouldn't catch on, no one will even look at them, and you're going to get sued by the  movie companies. But nothing would stop this man in his dream of a better world. He must be the poster maker.

Friday, October 7, 2016